how to write a press release for an event

How to Write a Press Release for an Event

An event press release announces and promotes an upcoming event. It’s great for creating buzz and attracting media attention. Whether it’s a conference, concert, or product launch, a good press release is key. Events are much more likely to succeed if people know about them. A well-crafted press release can generate the interest you need, as 20% of journalists found press releases the most trustworthy source of information. It lets journalists and attendees know what makes your event special.

In this article, we’ll give you content writing tips and show you how to write a press release that stands out. We’ll cover everything from the headline to the essential event info. Plus, we’ll share tips on using quotes and details that make your event shine.

how to write a press release for an event


Key Takeaways:

  • What is an event press release?
  • Types of event press releases.
  • How to write a press release for an event.
  • Tips from journalists.
  • Benefits of press releases.
  • Sample press release format.
  • Tips for publishing press releases.
  • What to avoid when making a press release for an event.
  • When to issue a press release for your event.

What is an Event Press Release?

An event press release tells people about an upcoming event. Organizations use it to spread the word. This can be to the media or other interested folks. The goal is to get people excited and talking about the event. It could be an exclusive event for the press, a public event, or a past event.

It follows a certain style and shares important event details. This includes the day, time, place, and reason for the event. The main point is to know who you’re talking to and make them interested. Crafting a good event press release is all about catching your audience’s attention.

When you write an event press release, you must think about why you’re making the announcement. Do you want to get people excited about your upcoming event? Do you have a big success to share? Or do you need to get the media interested? Knowing your goal helps you focus your message well.

A good event press release is short but full of important info. It should grab the reader from the start. First, you need a catchy headline. Then, a lead that tells more about the event. Lastly, your press release should have a well-organized body. This part talks about the event in detail. It explains its purpose and why it’s important.

Writing a good event press release is all about knowing your audience. You also need to create a message that makes the event sound interesting and important.

It’s smart to include quotes from event organizers or special guests. This helps make your press release more trustworthy. Talking about any special guests or exciting things happening at the event can make readers more interested, too.

Key Components of an Event Press Release

An event press release has several parts:

  • Headline: A short and catchy description of the event.
  • Lead: A longer look at the event that adds on to the headline.
  • Body: More about the event’s details, like the date, time, and place. Also, its purpose and other important info.
  • Quotes: What important people say to help explain the event and make it more interesting.
  • Contact Information: How the media can get more info about the event.

These components will help you make an effective event press release. It will get journalists’ attention and make them interested in covering your event.

Types of Event Press Releases

There are four main types of event press releases. These help organizations talk to the media and interested people. Each type has its own goal. It also needs different details to share an event’s main points well.

Closed Events for Journalists

One type is for closed events where only journalists can come. These press releases are to get the news to cover the event. They include important info like the date, where it is, and why it’s happening. Plus, they share things that might make journalists want to come and write about the event.

Closed Events Already Held

Another type looks back on past closed events. It tells the key points and what made the event special. This includes what people said about it or any impact it had. These press releases are shared after the event, so the good news stays alive with the media.

Open Events for Public Invitation

Then there are press releases for open events. These can be for things like charity events, community gatherings, or seminars. They tell the public what’s happening, who can come, and why it’s important. The goal is to get more people to join in and help.

Open Events Already Held

The last kind is for past open events. They talk about the event’s success and what was achieved. This might include numbers, what people thought, or any big moments. The point is to show off the event’s positive side. It aims to keep people interested and maybe get them to join next time.

Knowing about these different press releases helps organizations talk about their events the best. They can share why their event matters with the media and others who care.

How to Write a Press Release for an Event

Writing an event press release is like writing any other press release. But here, the focus is on the event’s details and why it’s newsworthy. To make your press release stand out, it’s key to include certain elements.

  1. Concise and attention-grabbing headline: Your headline should be short but interesting. It grabs the reader’s attention, including journalists and potential attendees.
  2. Engaging lead: Your lead expands on the event’s main theme. It should be exciting, focusing on the event’s most thrilling aspects.
  3. Informative body: In the body, dive into the event’s details. Answer the questions of who, what, when, where, why, and how. This helps to paint a complete picture of the event.
  4. Boilerplate: A short paragraph about the hosting organization comes next. Include the organization’s mission, a bit of history, and its key achievements.
  5. Contact information: Always end with your contact details. This makes it easy for journalists to reach you for questions or more information.

Always consider the structure when writing a press release. Start with a catchy headline and expand on the main theme in the lead. Then, dive into details in the body and provide organization background in the boilerplate. Lastly, include your contact for further questions. This setup helps you attract journalist attention and they may cover your event.



Tips from Journalists

Journalists are key in deciding which press releases get seen and which don’t. To boost your event’s press release exposure, consider journalist tips. Including their advice in your press release can make it appealing to journalists.

1. Avoid “fluffy” writing and use solid facts

Journalists prefer releases with clear, informative facts. Skip the fancy words and salesy talk. Focus on what makes your event stand out. Describe its purpose, what’s special about it, and any key achievements.

2. Include quotes from key organizers or speakers

Adding quotes from event leaders makes your release more credible and personal. Journalists like quotes that share insight or show the event’s importance. Include messages that convey your event’s main points and your organization’s expertise.

3. Provide extra information about special guests or activities

Sharing details about special guests or activities makes your release more interesting. Mention VIPs or fun events at your event. This attracts journalists and boosts your event’s coverage chance.

4. Send press releases to relevant media contacts

Getting your release to the right media is crucial. Find journalists interested in your event’s theme. Reach out to them directly with customized releases. This can start lasting media relationships for more coverage over time.

5. Add images or supporting attachments

Visuals grab attention and give context. Include high-quality, relevant images to make your press release more compelling. This boosts the chances of your release being noticed.

Remember these journalist tips to improve your event press release’s effectiveness. Doing so can increase media coverage for your event.

Benefits of Press Releases

Press releases are key for helping organizations succeed. They bring many advantages for getting their message out.

Brand ExposureSEO BenefitsInvestor CommunicationCrisis Management
Press releases spread the word about a company through news and updates. Talking about events, products, or achievements grabs new customers’ attention and builds stronger recognition.Press releases online boost how well a company does in search results. If done right, with keywords and links, these releases make it easier for more people to see them.Press releases keep investors and shareholders in the loop. They offer key updates on news, financial outcomes, and major company moves.Press releases are useful tools in tough times. They let a company quickly share correct information, handle what people think, and reduce damage.

By making good use of press releases, organizations can do a lot. They can grow their brand reach, improve their digital visibility, talk well with investors, and handle crises better.

Sample Press Release Format

A press release follows a specific format. This includes the headline, lead, body, boilerplate, and contact information. Each part is important for sharing the event’s main points well. Following this format can help your press release be well-organized. It will also grab the attention of journalists and readers.

1. Headline

The headline summarizes the event in an interesting way. It must be short, clear, and engaging. This gives readers an idea of what the press release is about. To draw readers in, focus on the most exciting part or unique feature of the event. For example:

Exciting Conference Explores the Future of Technology and Innovation

2. Lead

The lead is a longer summary of the event than the headline. It answers who, what, when, where, why, and how of the event. It should do this briefly and interestingly. The goal is to hook the readers and make them want to read more. Here’s an example:

XYZ Company is thrilled to announce the upcoming “Innovate 2022” conference, where leaders in the industry will explore the newest tech and ideas. This event is happening from [Event Date] in [Event Location]. It will change how we see the future.

3. Body

The body talks more about the event. It will mention the agenda, who’s speaking, workshops, and other key points. You might want to use bullet points or subheadings to organize the information. Highlight what makes the event special and valuable. Explain why people should attend or cover it. Consider this example:

Over three days, you can join discussions with top experts, take part in workshops, and meet others in the industry. Important features include talks by leading thinkers, sessions on the latest tech, and a startup competition. The event offers things for everyone and is essential for those who love tech and innovation.

4. Boilerplate

The boilerplate tells a short story about the organizing company. It shares what the company does and its big achievements. This part builds trust. It can be used in many different press releases. Make it short and to the point. Here’s how it could look:

About XYZ Company:

XYZ Company is always at the forefront of the tech world. It’s known for innovative solutions and changing how we live and work. The company promotes change and global industry partnerships.

5. Contact Information

At the end of the press release, include info for media contact. This part has the name, role, phone, and email of the media contact. It makes it easy for journalists to get in touch for more info or interviews. Here’s how it should be listed:

Media Contact:

John Doe

Public Relations Manager

Phone: 123-456-7890


Stick to this press release format for a clear and engaging document. Remember to adjust each part for your event and audience. This way, you’ll catch their interest and make a good impression.

example of a press release for an event


Tips for Publishing Press Releases

After writing your event press release, it’s time to share it well. This ensures lots of people see it. Here are some tips for getting the word out:

  1. Connect with media: Build relationships with the right people, like journalists and bloggers. Send them customized messages. This boosts your chance of getting your story covered.
  2. Use distribution sites: For a wider audience, add your press release to respected sites. They reach many eyes, upping your chance of being noticed by the media.
  3. Appeal to new journalists: New journalists might be eager for a unique story. Seek them out and offer your fresh news. They could be your ticket to getting noticed.
  4. Share interesting data: Use numbers to prove your event’s importance. It catches both journalists’ and readers’ attention, making them want to know more.
  5. Enhance with visuals: Make your press release look good with pictures or videos. This not only attracts readers but also boosts its social media shareability.
  6. Stay in touch with the media: It’s vital to check in after sending your press release. Confirm they got it and offer more info if needed. This personal touch keeps their interest alive.
  7. Check and double-check: Don’t overlook grammar and spelling. A clean press release looks professional and is more likely to be taken seriously.

Follow these pointers to get the most out of your event press release. They help you aim it at the right people, increasing your event’s visibility and the chance of getting media coverage.

What to Avoid When Making a Press Release for an Event

Creating an effective event press release is vital. You must steer clear of common mishaps. These errors can hold back its success. By avoiding these, your press release will shine and grab media interest.

Avoid Using Self-Congratulatory Language

When crafting a press release, keep the tone professional. Avoid too much self-praise. Instead, focus on the event’s newsworthiness and value for the audience.

Avoid Sending the Press Release to Irrelevant Recipients

Send your press release to media contacts interested in similar events. This ensures your effort isn’t wasted. It helps get you the right media coverage.

Avoid Using Excessive Capitalization

Too many capital letters show up like shouting and look unprofessional. Use capitals for names and acronyms only. This approach encourages journalists to engage with your content.

Avoid Neglecting to Proofread the Press Release

Proofreading is key to a great press release. Skipping this step could lead to mistakes. These mistakes might hurt your organization’s credibility. Always check for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors.

By steering clear of self-promotion, sending your release to the right people, watching your caps, and proofreading well, you’ll have a better shot at your press release being effective. This makes media more likely to give it attention.

When to Issue a Press Release for Your Event

Knowing the right time to send out a press release is key for making a big impact. Timing is very important for a press release to be successful. If you pay attention to when to send it out, your event’s news will spread better.

There are a few key things to think about when deciding the timing for your press release. First, see if your event is newsy enough to get a press release. Look at current news and industry trends to guide you.

Choosing a good time is crucial. Look at what other events might be happening when you plan to send out your release. Try to avoid times when bigger events will be stealing the media’s attention. Picking the right timing can help your event stand out more.

Also, make sure the press release fits well with your target audience’s schedule and interests. Think about when they usually check out news. Aiming your release for these times will make it more likely for your audience to notice.

The table below summarizes the key considerations for timing your press release for an event:

Factors to ConsiderDescription
NewsworthinessEvaluate the significance of your event
Strategic TimingAlign with industry trends and avoid overlapping with major events
Target Audience RelevanceConsider the schedules and preferences of your target audience

By picking the right time for your press release, you can make more people care about your event. A well-timed release can get more media attention and interest from the public. This can help make your event more successful.


To write a good press release for an event, you need to focus on details and know your audience. Follow a clear pattern in the writing. By using the tips shared here, you can make your press release stand out. It will draw in journalists and create buzz. Make sure to add a catchy headline, interesting event info, and how to reach you for more details.

It’s not just about writing, though. Getting your press release to the right media is key. Share it on press sites and pitch it to reporters who cover events. Aiming for the best audience and choosing the right ways to spread your press release can help a lot. This way, you boost your chance of getting the word out about your event.

Press releases for events have a lot of good points. They can help your brand get recognized, improve your search engine results, talk to investors, and even manage a crisis. They’re powerful tools for getting word out about your event. Don’t overlook what a strong press release can do for your event’s success and visibility.


How do I ensure my press release stands out from the crowd?

To make your press release stand out, focus on crafting a compelling headline, incorporating multimedia elements like images or videos, and highlighting unique aspects of your event that pique journalists’ interest.

How can I distribute my press release effectively?

Distribute your press release through a combination of methods, including email outreach to relevant journalists and media outlets, posting it on your website and social media channels, and utilizing press release distribution services.

What should I do after sending out my press release?

After sending out your press release, follow up with journalists to gauge their interest, be prepared to provide additional information or interviews as needed, and monitor media coverage to track the impact of your release.

Are there any legal considerations I should be aware of when writing a press release?

Yes, it’s crucial to ensure that your press release is factually accurate and does not contain any misleading or defamatory statements. Also, be mindful of copyright and trademark laws when using third-party content or branding in your release.