best ecommerce platform for seo

Best eCommerce Platform for SEO: Top 5 Platforms to Choose from in 2024

Running an online store? Getting seen is vital. That’s why picking the right eCommerce platform for SEO matters a lot. With the right platform, your online shop can show up more in search results. This means more people find you, increasing sales.

This article will look at the best 5 eCommerce platforms for SEO. We’ll go over the good and bad of each one—BigCommerce, Magento, Shopify, WooCommerce, and Squarespace. You’ll learn about their features, flexibility, and what they cost. This will help you pick the best one for your business needs and align with your SEO strategies.

Key Takeaways:


bigcommerce as best ecommerce platform for seo


BigCommerce is known for being one of the top SEO eCommerce platforms. It offers many features and is also flexible and SEO-friendly. You can build a great online store without needing to know how to code.

The flexibility of BigCommerce is a big plus. You can make your website fit your brand’s look and feel with ease. It has lots of templates and designs to choose from.

BigCommerce is also great for SEO. It comes with tools for SEO and options to make your site better for search engines. You can change URLs, meta tags, and alt text for images to help your site rank higher.

But, BigCommerce does have some downsides. It might make your pages load slowly. This could hurt your user’s experience and where your site shows up in searches. To fix this, you need to make sure your site is running as fast as it can.

BigCommerce has different price plans depending on your business’s needs. But for some businesses with large sales, it might be too expensive. It’s important to understand the costs and if they work for your budget and plans for growing your sales.


Flexible and customizable

SEO-friendly features

User-friendly interface

Potential slow-loading pages

Expensive pricing for high sales volumes

Despite a few issues, many businesses choose BigCommerce. It’s good for creating a strong, SEO-friendly online store. Its flexibility, SEO features, and ease of use can lead to more traffic and sales.


magento adobe ecommerce platform


Magento is a top choice for those looking for the best eCommerce platform for SEO. It’s known for being fully customizable, allowing businesses to tailor their site to fit their exact needs. Yet, it’s worth noting that using Magento can be challenging if you’re not familiar with coding. Also, it tends to be pricier than some other platforms out there.

When you choose Magento, you pick flexibility. It hands you the reins to your store’s design and workings. This means you can craft a special shopping journey for your clients. Want a unique layout, special payment options, or cool new features? Magento lets you do it all.

Magento also shines in SEO. You can tweak your site’s structure, tags, and URLs to be search engine-friendly. This boosts your chances of showing up higher on search results. In turn, this helps more people find and visit your online store.

“Magento allows businesses to create a fully customizable online store that is optimized for search engines. With its extensive range of features, you can enhance your website’s visibility and attract more organic traffic.”

But, remember, Magento might be tough if you’re not into coding. It’s built for those who want to dig deep and know the nitty-gritty of their site. If you’re seeking something simpler, look into other options.

As for cost, Magento is a bit on the pricey side. Yes, it boasts many features and customization options. However, this might not fit the bill for small businesses or startups watching their budgets. In such a case, you might want to explore more affordable platforms that offer similar tools.

Overall, Magento is great for those wanting a powerful, customizable platform that focuses on SEO. It’s built for businesses eager to fine-tune their site and attract visitors. Just be ready to roll up your sleeves and pay a bit more than you would with other services.


Flexible and customizable

SEO-friendly features

User-friendly interface

Advanced website structure and meta tag customization

Potential slow-loading pages

Expensive pricing for high sales volumes

Challenging for non-coders



Shopify ranks high for SEO. It boosts your online shop’s visibility well. It’s known for being easy to use and packed with features. These help make your store shine online.

One big plus of Shopify is how it works well with Google Analytics. This means you can understand your store’s visitors better. It helps you make smart choices to boost SEO and sales.

Yet, Shopify does have its limits. For example, you can’t fully control robot.txt files or custom URLs. But, it makes up for this with a simple setup and a wide range of plugins. These let you tweak your store and up its SEO game.


Ranks high for SEO

SEO-friendly features

User-friendly interface

Limited control over robot.txt files and custom URLs


woocommerce wordpress based ecommerce platform suitable for seo optimization


WooCommerce is top-notch for making your online store more visible in searches. It’s the leading choice for boosting your store’s SEO. Being a WordPress plugin, it’s great for customizing and bolstering your site’s visibility.

It shines in flexibility, letting you design your store to fit your brand perfectly. You get to control how your site looks, feels and works. This can really make your online store unique.

Since it’s part of WordPress too, it works like a dream if you already use WordPress. The two work together seamlessly, making your store easy to manage. This duo is also a powerful combo for improving your site’s SEO and getting more visitors.

But there’s a catch. To make the most of WooCommerce, knowing how to code can be handy. If you or your team have coding skills, you’ll be able to do a lot more with your store. This comes in super useful when aiming for certain SEO goals.

Also, WooCommerce relies a lot on plugins to add extra functions. But too many plugins might slow your site down or cause problems. It’s smart to pick and use them carefully, making sure they won’t harm your site.

Choosing WooCommerce can greatly improve your store’s SEO. It gives you lots of ways to customize and stands out for its integration with WordPress. However, knowing a bit about coding and being picky with your plugins are key to its success.


Flexible and customizable

SEO-friendly features

User-friendly interface

Seamless integration with WordPress

Requires coding knowledge for advanced customization

Reliance on plugins may slow down the site or cause issues


squarespace ecommerce website builder with seo


Squarespace is an easy-to-use platform. It has a drag-and-drop builder for your convenience. You can easily make and adjust your website for selling items. Its design works well on all devices, making your online store appealing to everyone.

This platform comes with many design templates and a blogging feature. But, it lacks some advanced features found in other eCommerce platforms. This could limit your store’s growth and ability to reach more customers.

One area where Squarespace falls short is in customizing URLs. You won’t have as much freedom as you would with other platforms. This could hurt your store’s visibility on search engines.

However, Squarespace still stands out for those who prioritize easy setups and beautiful designs. Think about what your business needs the most. Then, check if Squarespace meets those needs while overlooking its drawbacks. This will help you decide if it’s right for your online store.


Flexible and customizable

User-friendly interface

Drag-and-drop builder

Appeals to those prioritizing easy setups and beautiful designs

Lacks some advanced features

Limited customization of URLs


SEO Features of each eCommerce Platform

Here is a structured table with the features of the above-mentioned eCommerce platforms to help you make the decision easily:

eCommerce PlatformUser-friendly InterfacePluginsBlogging FeatureGoogle Analytics IntegrationControl over Robot.txt FilesURL Structure Customization

Importance of SEO for eCommerce Websites

SEO is critical for eCommerce websites. It helps bring in more visitors through search engines. With strong SEO, your site appears higher in searches, gaining more credibility and sales.

SEO is great for driving organic traffic. This means visitors find your site through unpaid search results. When you use the right keywords, your site attracts more visitors who are likely to buy.

SEO is also key for product research. People looking for products online get a list of relevant results. With good SEO, your products can show up in these searches easily, making them more findable and appealing.

“SEO ensures that your eCommerce website is visible to potential customers when they search for the products or services you offer.”

Online reviews matter a lot in eCommerce. Customers trust what they say. SEO optimization helps you get good reviews by making your site more visible and trusted.

Due to this, SEO is a must for online stores. It boosts your visibility and trust. With effective SEO, you can grow your organic traffic, rank better, help customers research products, and gain trust through reviews. It’s a powerful tool for eCommerce success.

Statistics on the Importance of SEO for eCommerce

SEO is key for eCommerce success. It boosts organic traffic, makes you more visible on search engines, and increases sales. We’ll dive into stats that show why SEO is crucial for eCommerce.

Organic Traffic and Search Engine Results Page (SERP)

Did you know most website and eCommerce visits come from organic traffic? On average, 51% of eCommerce site visits come through organic search. This means optimizing for search engines draws in a lot of potential customers.

Also, 92% of people click on first-page results in search engines. Being higher up makes more people see your site. This brings in important organic traffic.

Online Reviews and Trust

Online reviews heavily influence what people buy in eCommerce. Seventy-two percent of shoppers check reviews before buying. Good reviews and a solid online reputation are vital. SEO can boost your rankings, making good reviews more visible and enhancing trust.

Lead Generation Growth

SEO is great for getting more leads in eCommerce. Fifty-seven percent of B2B marketers use SEO to generate leads. By optimizing your site, you attract more customers looking for services you offer.

SEO doesn’t just increase traffic and improve rankings. It also boosts online reputation and generates more leads. These benefits are key for the health and growth of your online store.

SEO and eCommerce StatisticsPercentage/Number
Organic Traffic Contribution to Website Traffic51%
Preference for First Page Results on SERPs92%
Percentage of Customers Consulting Online Reviews72%
Percentage of B2B Marketers Crediting SEO for Lead Generation57%

These stats highlight SEO’s essential role in eCommerce. It drives organic traffic, boosts search engine visibility, enhances online reputation, and grows leads. Prioritizing SEO is essential for your online store’s long-term success.

Read more about Conversion Rate Optimization Best Practices.


Choosing the best eCommerce platform for SEO is crucial. It boosts your online store’s visibility and sales. You should think about how flexible the website is, its SEO features, and how easy it is for customers to use. These factors will help you pick the right platform for your business goals.

It’s important to consider how visible your online store is. This visibility is key to getting organic traffic. By making your store SEO-friendly, you can rank better on search engines. This helps more people find you online.

When choosing an eCommerce platform, be sure to look at the benefits and drawbacks. Think about what your business needs, your budget, and your technical skills. The right ecommerce platform will boost your store’s visibility. This can lead to more sales over time.


Do all eCommerce platforms offer SEO-friendly features?

No, each platform varies. Some offer robust SEO tools, while others may require additional plugins or customization.

Can I switch eCommerce platforms without harming SEO?

Yes, but it requires careful planning, redirects, and monitoring to minimize any negative impact on SEO.

How do I ensure my chosen platform stays updated with evolving SEO practices?

Regularly check for updates, utilize SEO plugins, and stay informed about industry best practices.

Are there specific eCommerce platforms better suited for certain industries?

Yes, some platforms excel in certain industries due to specialized features or integrations tailored to their needs.